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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Dogwood Seed Pods

Dogwood Seed Pods, oil on board, 5x7"

I was seeing these seed pods everywhere one year and didn't know what they were. They are the most curious looking things. Finally last year I saw them in my neighborhood and when Spring sprung I realized it was under a dogwood tree! When I was very young and used to walk in the woods, there was a dogwood tree there that fascinated me. We don't have that many here in the Northeast. I arranged them on a bunched up white napkin to give them an interesting background and painted them in natural light near the window of my studio.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Small Church, Gubbio, Italy

I was captivated by this beautiful ancient small church in Gubbio, Italy. It was my absolute favorite small church on a painting trip in September 2014. There were many large churches but this is the one I remember the most. Church of St. Marziale

Oil Painting 5x7" on masonite

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Free Painting Today and what did you miss?

I'm giving a painting away today on DPW.  
After I post my paintings to Daily Paintworks, I load them up on my Facebook Artist page and on my Pinterest page.  Then I try to post them to my two blogs, 
Mary's Daily Art Report and 
Mary Pyche Art Store.  
Some days I don't post to the blogs right away and get busy and forget to do it, 
so I suggest that you look at my gallery page on Daily Paintworks and 
see my most recent posts including the ones I have not posted here.

My Daily Paintworks GALLERY PAGE

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Apple Blossoms

Todays post to Daily Paintworks is this deep profile stretched canvas 5x7" painting of Apple Blossoms.  These colors aren't my go-to colors, but I really do like how it came out!  And I like orange--go figure!  Well, this is more a dark yellow, who can tell the difference? 
What's next, apple blossom time!  I look forward to when the trees start to leaf out and the fruit trees blossom.  I have an apple tree in my front yard because my husband loved apples.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Single Sunflower

"Single Sunflower"

on deep stretched canvas with painted sides - 5x7 in -
What is it about sunflowers?  Everyone notices them.  They are dramatic and colorful.  I'm learning that there are many varieties of them, short petals, long petals, very large ones and very small ones, etc.  I like to paint them and I also like daylilies.  What are your favorites, I'd like to know :)

Monday, March 23, 2020

2 Birds with Grapes and a Pear - Now Sold

Today's entry on the online gallery Daily Paintworks is only 5x5" and $30.

This would look good in your kitchen or dining room.  I love this little fruit bowl arrangement in my dining room so decided to do a painting of it. These little birds really add interest to the bowl of fruits and vegetables. I had it on DPW before and decided to brighten it up a bit.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Crazy Days?

By coincidence I have painted two CRAZY paintings.  I was fascinated with this cloth thinking it would make a nice busy background.  Some people can pull this off better than I did, it's harder than it looks.  So the first one is 6x8" and the second one is 6x6".  They are both available on the DPW site.  The larger one is submitted to the Crumpled Challenge since it has a lot of folds.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Flowers from the Fairy Garden

Flowers from the Fairy Garden

I worked a lot on this one to make it look like I didn't work a lot on this one!  

It is a very sweet piece.  8x8"
My neighbor who has a fairy garden named it :)

Click to find out more or to BUY easily with PayPal

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Field of Hollyhocks

Look what I got:  Yay!

"You're one of our DPW Facebook picks of the day!"

"Field of Hollyhocks"
on Stretched Canvas - 8x8 in - I love hollyhocks.  I try to grow them.  Some years are better than others.  I wish I knew the secret.  For now, I'll have to be content painting them and looking at this painting, yes, I love it, it satisfies my hollyhock fantasy :)   

Click now for more information :)

Sunday, March 15, 2020

My Art Gallery

 My art gallery at Daily Paintworks--click here to browse!

My brick and mortar gallery, Pleasant Street Gallery at Vintage Chic in Newburyport, has a Facebook Page:  Facebook Page for Pleasant Street Gallery  Perhaps you would go there and LIKE the page?

And here is a collage I made of the work that I have at Pleasant Street Gallery at this time:

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Dinosaur Egg?

I love this painting, It's one of my favorites.  This very large rock is on the corner of my street and every day I walk by it I admire it, but this time in late spring there were no leaves on the trees and the early morning sun was streaming through the trees, setting this giant egg shaped New England rock in a nest of dramatic shadows! 
This 6x6" oil painting on stretched canvas has a urethaned natural wood strip frame.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Alcohol Ink Class

For my new goal of working in mixed-media art, I took a class in Exeter NH in Alcohol Ink last night.  I enjoyed the class very much and there were two other students there--the teacher, lucky for me, was very good.  She works in a somewhat realistic style and has been doing this medium for maybe 10 years so she really knows her trade.  Seeing that it was my first class, I got 'lost' trying to do the idea of a ground, sky and cloud scene because I had too much ink at one point and went on to experiment with the various methods, techniques, etc. and ended up with an abstract scene instead.  Afterwards I got my brush envelope open (had plastic gloves on before) and some other tools and was able to work to make some corrections, and all-in-all I learned a lot.
Golden Snow Storm in the Mountains, 4 3/4 x 11" Alcohol Ink on Yupo

Monday, March 2, 2020

Travel and the new gallery show

It's been a very busy weekend, driving up from Florida on Friday and Saturday and then getting my paintings, etc. ready and delivering them to the new gallery and working there for 4 hours helping with the installation of the show.  I left at 8 p.m. but most others were there until 11.  There are 27 members with an average of 4 or 5 paintings each, so over 100 paintings and other accompanying artwork, standing, bins, etc. 
The first thing we hung.
Today is catch-up day and I'm looking forward to getting myself back on track!